Interactive Images in ASP.NET: Mastering the ImageMap Control and Hotspots

Looking to create image-based interactive elements in your ASP.NET web applications? The ImageMap control is your gateway to making images clickable and responsive. With hotspots, you can define specific regions within an image that trigger actions like navigation or postbacks when clicked. In this guide, we’ll walk through the fundamentals of using the ImageMap control, creating various hotspot shapes, and tailoring their behavior to your needs.

What is the ImageMap Control?

The ImageMap control is an ASP.NET server-side control that allows you to embed an image in your web page and associate clickable areas (hotspots) with it. Each hotspot can be a different shape (rectangle, circle, polygon), and you can define what happens when a user clicks on a specific hotspot.

Creating an ImageMap with Hotspots

  1. Add the ImageMap Control:
    • Drag and drop the ImageMap control onto your ASP.NET web form from the toolbox.
    • Set the ImageUrl property to the path of your image file.
  2. Define Hotspots:
    • The HotSpots property of the ImageMap control is a collection where you define your hotspots.
    • Use the HotSpot class and its derived classes to create hotspots:
      • CircleHotSpot: Defines a circular hotspot with X, Y, and Radius properties.
      • RectangleHotSpot: Defines a rectangular hotspot with Top, Bottom, Left, and Right properties.
      • PolygonHotSpot: Defines a polygonal hotspot with a collection of Points.
  3. Specify Hotspot Behavior:
    • Each hotspot has a NavigateUrl property. If set, clicking the hotspot will redirect the user to the specified URL.
    • Alternatively, you can handle the Click event of the ImageMap control on the server-side to execute custom logic when a hotspot is clicked.

Example: Creating a Map with Hotspots

Code snippet

<asp:ImageMap ID=”ImageMap1″ runat=”server” ImageUrl=”~/images/worldmap.jpg”>

    <asp:CircleHotSpot X=”150″ Y=”100″ Radius=”50″ NavigateUrl=”” />

    <asp:RectangleHotSpot Top=”200″ Bottom=”300″ Left=”50″ Right=”150″ NavigateUrl=”” />

    <asp:PolygonHotSpot Coordinates=”350,100,400,200,300,200″ NavigateUrl=”” />



In this example, we have three hotspots:

  • A circular hotspot representing North America.
  • A rectangular hotspot representing South America.
  • A polygonal hotspot representing Europe.

Clicking on each hotspot will take the user to the corresponding Wikipedia page.

Server-Side Click Event Handling

To perform custom actions when a hotspot is clicked, handle the Click event of the ImageMap:


protected void ImageMap1_Click(object sender, ImageMapEventArgs e) {

    if (e.HotSpot.NavigateUrl == “”) // Check if no URL is set for this hotspot


        // Execute custom logic here based on e.HotSpot.HotSpotIndex




Advanced Tips and Tricks

  • Image Maps from Database: You can dynamically generate image maps and hotspots by fetching data from a database.
  • Custom Hotspots: You can create your own custom hotspot shapes by deriving from the HotSpot class.
  • Accessibility: Consider providing alternative text for image maps to make them accessible to users with disabilities.


The ASP.NET ImageMap control, coupled with its flexible hotspot system, offers a powerful way to create interactive and engaging image-based experiences in your web applications. By mastering these tools, you can design intuitive user interfaces and deliver information in a visually appealing manner.